
How to Create Multiple Looks with One Shapewear Dress?

Just as we love dresses, we have to think about those that will allow us to please all tastes as well as create different looks for every moment we need. Therefore, choosing the ideal dress is one of the most important points for those who have this doubt.

So, here we will see some options that you can use to create different types of looks just by complementing them with some accessories or even other clothes so that it looks well defined and at the same time goes to all the types of places you want to go.


Mata Kering Karena Gadget? Ini Solusinya!

Memasuki usia 40-an ternyata memang ‘sesuatu’. Tak hanya bilangan usianya saja yang semakin bertambah. Keluhan yang dirasakan tubuh sepertinya juga begitu. Dari hari ke hari, ada saja hal baru yang tak mengenakkan. Mulai dari napas yang gampang ngos-ngosan, tubuh yang mudah capek dan pegal-pegal, memori otak yang semakin berkurang, dan hal-hal yang lainnya.